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Synthetic Turf 101: Why Does Synthetic Turf Get So Hot?

February 06, 20254 min read

Written By Jacob Tetrault

When it comes to outdoor surfaces, few look and feel as satisfying as synthetic turf. Synthetic turf is great for homeowners, pets, recreation, and sports. And there are many benefits associated with it - durability, minimal maintenance, long lifespan, offers year-round playability, and much more.

With so many benefits, it is no wonder that more and more people are turning to synthetic turf. However, there is one major drawback in particular that distinguishes artificial grass from natural grass: extreme heat retention.


If you've had the misfortune of being on synthetic turf in the heat of the day, you've quickly learned that this lush-looking surface can get quite a bit hot. More than a bit, in fact. In some cases, the temperature of synthetic turf can rise from 140 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, leading to painful and dangerous conditions for the user.

To understand why synthetic turf can get so hot, we have to look at how it's made and what materials are used in the process. The following will explain just how artificial grass is different from natural grass - and why it often has trouble staying cool in the hot summer heat.

How is Synthetic Turf Made? 

Since its earliest days (think AstroTurf of the mid-60’s Houston Astrodome) synthetic turf has combined innovative polymers and high-quality materials to create a long-lasting turf solution.

Through years of research and development, synthetic grass has been modified and transformed into what we now know as “third generation” synthetic grass, according to the Synthetic Turf Council.

If you have stepped onto synthetic turf, you have likely noticed that it is made up of tufted fibers. These fibers offer a similar look and feel to grass, but with a noticeable sturdiness and uniformity. These grass fibers or “blades” are created using a combination of polymers - nylon, polypropylene, and / or polyethylene - that are then tufted (“sewn”) into a backing material. Silica Sand is often used as infill during install to support the fibers and keep them upright, as well provide various performance characteristics such as shock absorption.

Why Does Synthetic Turf Get Hot?

While the result of the infill and polymer combination is a fantastic-looking final product, it is those very polymers interacting with sunlight that can lead to high surface temperatures.

Synthetic turf can maintain many of the same look-and-feel characteristics of natural grass but misses one main trait - natural transpiration and evaporation.

When the sun strikes natural grass during the high heat of the day, these natural cooling processes within the grass plant go to work, helping mitigate some of the impacts of absorbed heat energy from the sunlight.

However, with synthetic turf, the polymers within the artificial surface are unable to offer the same natural processes, causing much higher temperatures maintained by the surface and radiated.

The result? A great-looking, inviting surface that can unintentionally become dangerous in little time. Unsafe and uncomfortable - two things nobody who has invested in synthetic turf wants to deal with. 

This specific synthetic turf heat issue was recently featured on KSNW-TV, Witcha, Kansas. Read the Article Here.

Harness the Power of Sustained Evaporative Cooling with T°Cool® Coated Sand.

So, how can you ensure that your synthetic turf system can stay at a manageable temperature year-round? With global temperatures rising, it’s critical to find an innovative and cost-effective method to avoid extreme turf temperatures that can hurt the synthetic materials and those using them.

One of the best ways to keep synthetic turf cool is by improving the very materials that make up the turf itself. With T°Cool® Coated Sand Infill, you can enhance your synthetic turf system with an innovative cooling solution that automatically moderates the heat levels and goes to work to keep the turf cool.

TºCool® is the only proven and patented cooling solution for synthetic turf.

By using the power of science and biomimicry to replicate the results of a natural cooling system, synthetic turf users can now enjoy a cooler, safer, and more comfortable synthetic turf experience with TºCool®.

With TºCool, synthetic turf is now safer and more playable than it has ever been.

T°Cool® is an innovative, eco-friendly synthetic turf cooling solution that uses the power of evaporative cooling to keep temperatures down - no matter the ambient air temperature. To activate, T°Cool® simply requires hydration in the form of irrigation, rainfall, or humidity -  which continuously activates the evaporative cooling process to offer immediate and sustained 30°F-50°F cooler surface temperatures.

Pictured right - TºCool treated synthetic turf in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Synthetic turf is an investment that you can't afford to risk on high, dangerous surface temperatures. Make sure you are prepared for any conditions that might lead to a heat hazard by using T°Cool® Infill. To learn more about how to protect your turf - and those who use it - contact TºCool today.

TºCool® combats excessive turf temperatures, making synthetic turf cooler, safer, and more playable for millions.

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* This calculator provides an approximate estimate based on our current rates. Actual pricing may vary depending on site conditions, accessibility, taxes, or additional services. Please contact Creative Grounds for a detailed, in-person quote.


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