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TCool - The Year of The Infill.

February 06, 20253 min read

Synthetic Turf 101

What is synthetic turf infill?

Infill is crushed or graded material added between the turf blades within your synthetic turf system. Examples include silica sand, organic material ( hemp, wood chips, walnut shells), or crumb rubber. 

Synthetic Turf Infill: 

  • Mimics a natural grass system - soil supporting turf blades

  • Maintains turf’s aesthetic for years by keeping artificial turf blades upright

  • Adds ballast and weight for the artificial turf system

  • Creates footing and a more natural grass feel

  • Protects your turf by creating a barrier between harmful UV rays and the backing of your synthetic turf

  • Provides performance and safety. Attenuates shock for athletes and provides proper footing on sports fields, playgrounds, and recreational areas.

“The Year of the Infill”

Synthetic turf infill has become more important than ever. With so many types of infills to choose from, there is a lot of confusion around educating the consumer on what infill makes most sense in 2021 and beyond.

Synthetic turf is well-known for it’s easy maintenance and enhanced function over natural grass. For decades though, one fact has been overlooked: synthetic turf in its natural habitat has the potential to reach temperatures of 140ºF- 200ºF. Within the synthetic turf industry, the educated consumer is well-aware of this fact, but has yet to see innovation. There has not been an effective, sustainable solution to this incredibly apparent synthetic turf heat problem. 

As the densification of the world intensifies, so do important sustainability issues such as the urban heat island effect, climate change, and the consequences from these issues - increased energy consumption, heat related illnesses, etc. 

As synthetic turf users, we must understand the implication of the type of infill we choose. Not only for us, but for our planet.

What synthetic turf infill options are available? 

Download Our Infill Comparison Chart Here.

  • TCool® Sand

  • Plastic Coated Sand

  • Silica Sand

  • Rubber

  • Wood Chip Particle

  • EPDM Rubber - Virgin Polymer

  • Zeolite

  • Walnut Shells

  • Cork


What is TCool® Infill?

TºCool is an artificial turf, performance based, cooling infill that is engineered to work through the same thermoregulation process our bodies use to keep us cool - evaporative cooling. TºCool simply requires hydration, which can come from irrigation, rainfall, or humidity. Similar to natural grass, T°Cool utilizes the moisture that it holds to create powerful evaporative cooling of the artificial turf surface - Up to 50ºF cooler synthetic turf surface temperatures. 

What makes TCool the best infill choice for any synthetic turf application?

TºCool is the only proven and patented cooling agent specifically designed to extend the effects of evaporative cooling on synthetic turf.

There are so many choices for infill and turf systems out there, but not one has the proven, long lasting cooling effect and added benefits of TºCool. And TºCool doesn’t just claim these benefits, it has proven them overtime.

The superior benefits of TºCool:

  • 100% non toxic / non hazardous

  • Long lasting, yet Biodegradable

  • 35ºF-50ºF cooler artificial grass surfaces 

  • Less heat = less friction = less “turf” burns 

  • Bio based Antimicrobial

  • Cost Effective - similar price point to standard performance based infills. But with the proven 35ºF-50ºF+ cooling!

  • Contains zero plastic coatings / zero heavy metals

  • Our chosen 16/30 grade sand is rounded, dustless, well graded, and spherical.

  • Does not negatively impact performance or HIC Fall ratings.

  • TCool is safer for participants, maximizes synthetic turf usage and extends your overall investment for many years.

TCool is a game changing technology that has completely disrupted the synthetic turf industry. Before TCool, there was no long term solution of keep the turf cool and safe for the users. Now homeowners, parents, pet owners, municipalities, recreation facilities, high schools and colleges are recognizing the synthetic turf heat issue and the vast benefits of installing a synthetic, turf-cooling solution, and TºCool is leading for way.

When choosing infill for your next synthetic turf project, choose wisely. Choose the best - TºCool®.

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* This calculator provides an approximate estimate based on our current rates. Actual pricing may vary depending on site conditions, accessibility, taxes, or additional services. Please contact Creative Grounds for a detailed, in-person quote.


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